Colonial silversmith

Today i’m working on a bottles.I got to weigh it in front of them so they trust me.Then i melt the silver.It is pure state,silver so soft. Next i combine it with another metal. It is most of the time silver some copper. I pure melted silver into a mold called ingot. IT was a pretty good state for storage and stuff like that. When i was ready to make a peice i melted the ingot and pounded it into into sheets. Next i shaped into a bottle using hammers and tongs. My tools had to be in top shape. Otherwise  they could scratch and chip costly silver.

Colonial Leaders

Who is Benjamin Franklin

Franklin earned the title of the first American.

Franklin became a successful newspaper writer and editor.

Franklin helped with the first fire department.

Franklin honored more than 2 centuries after his death on coinage 100$ bill.

As a inventor he is known for the lighting rode,bifocals, and the Franklin stove.

As a scientist, he was he was a major figure in the American Enlightenment and his history physics

He founded many civic organizations, including the library company.

Franklin was foundational in defining the American etos as a marriage of the practical values   of thrift.

Franklin became a national hero in american as a agent  for several colonies when he spearedheaded.

He pioneered and was the first president of the academy and college of philadelphia wiched opened    in 1751.